serious play

Digital prison

Bastei Lübbe | oolipo

We were very fortunate to collaborate with Bastei Lübbe, one of the largest publishing houses in Germany, and their digital storytelling venture oolipo. We worked in-house along the core team and breathe new life into a stalling production pipeline to turn the aquired content into engaging mobile stories.

We initiated a design sprint during which we developed a concept for the novel »Mama can’t raise no Man« written by Robyn Travis.

Design Sprint




Once we’ve decided for a concept we started the production; recording different voices, collecting footage, creating a playlist and validating various UI and UX routes.

Working well within the five days sprint we gathered existing material from The Guardian’s 6×9 solitary confinement project︎created by The Mill.

With the prototype ready we began testing with a variety of users and collected valuable feedback for interation.


Contact us
+49 (0)30 420 113 62

+49 (0)30 420 113 63

© serious play 2024